Rev. Beth Long-Higgins Co-Leads Eden’s NEXT Steps

The Rev. Beth Long-Higgins is the Executive Director of the Ruth Parker Center for Abundant Aging and one of the Co-facilitators of Eden’s NEXT Steps program. NEXT Steps is an eight session, sixteen week program that is a collaboration between Eden Seminary and the Ruth Parker Center. Rev. Long-Higgins brings her considerable expertise to the project and has created a curriculum that encourages the participants to “grow whole” not old. The program challenges the participants to engage with many topics as they imagine a future of purpose and meaning, in their mid-life and beyond.

The program builds on topics such as “How do you think/talk about age?” “The paradox of Limited Time,” “Call and Vocation,” “Generativity,” “A Spirituality to Sustain,” all topics that she has researched extensively and brings not only humor but resources and spirituality to each session. Participants have expressed that they discovered, “I liked that you brought forth a fun factor- but it was much more than that-it brought forth how we make transitions.” Rev. Long-Higgins brings her expertise in both the process of aging and retirement, and shared resources for confronting and engaging life’s transitions as we age and grow. Her kindness and career as an ordained pastor of the UCC helps all participants to fully engage with the process in a safe and caring NEXT Steps community.

“I experienced a change in personhood!” NEXT Steps participant.

“Given increased life expectancy and extended general health, it is beneficial to consider and plan for more than just the financial aspects of life post-primary careers. NEXT Steps provides an intentional process for participants to journey along with others as they reflect and imagine their future selves.” ~Rev. Beth Long-Higgins