Creating Healthy Boundaries Workshop



Date(s) - 11/12/2021
9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Leader: Rev. Darrell L. Goodwin, Executive Minister of the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ


  • Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Effects of Secondary Traumatic Stress When pastors focus on others without practicing self-care, destructive behaviors can surface. According to the latest research, Compassion Fatigue is an extreme state of tension and preoccupation with the suffering of those being helped to the degree that it can create a secondary traumatic stress for the helper. This session will help those who help others learn how to avoid burnout, how to recharge and re-energize and how to practice self-help.
  • Mindfulness: An Experiential Workshop Mindfulness can improve concentration, focus, health, efficiency, accuracy and reduce stress. Participants will receive an overview of Mindfulness and why it is a popular topic as our society grapples with the exhaustion of multi-tasking.
  • Respect and Harassment Awareness Harassment and disrespect can have a detrimental effect on the workplace. This workshop reviews the legal definition of sexual harassment and the Title VII law. It also addresses how behaviors, attitudes or actions can escalate into potential faith community violence. Authorized Ministers will learn what constitutes harassment, why it is so hard to report it, and how it can be reported with assurance of non-retaliation, resulting in a less stressful and more productive working environments.
  • Working through Stressful and Changing TimesChange is all around us, and without it we would be stagnant as individuals and organizations. We all respond differently to what we call “change,” so how can we make it work for us? This workshop examines what change means for authorized ministers and organizations, and how can they can get on the same page when discussing and understanding its attributes, benefits and pitfalls. For most people, adjusting their perception and viewpoint  can help them adapt more successfully to changing roles and environments.
  • Keeping Your Financial FocusThis workshop will help Authorized Ministers think about their financial vitality and reduce the stress that can lead to ineffective boundaries.

Registration is open for all. Required for Eden first-year students.
Local church pastors and other leaders can check with your authorizing church body about this as a qualifying certification for boundary training requirements.