Date(s) - 11/16/20198:15 am - 4:30 pm
Primary Contact
Jill Schantz
475 E. Lockwood
Webster Groves, MO 63119
[email protected]
Course Information
The LIFE (Lifelong Learner Institute of Faith Exploration) program will offer one course this month. For non-Eden students/staff it costs $130 (this includes meals). For Eden students and staff, lunch costs $8.
Certificate class:
“How we live our faith: Ethics” with Rev. Dr. Ben Sanders, III
What is the relationship between Christian faith and the social issues that create injustice in our society and world? How have Christians formulated opinions on what is good, evil, just, or unjust? This class seeks to answer these questions by surveying theological, social, and philosophical views on Christian ethics.
The LIFE program welcomes laity and clergy seeking to explore their Christian faith.
Join us at LIFE!