LIFE at Eden: Life Together Lectionary



Date(s) - 10/22/2021 - 10/23/2021
All Day

Friday, Oct. 22, 2021 @ 7:00-9:00 PM CST
Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 @ 9:00 AM -2:00 PM CST

Certificate Course: Imagine a New Way: Life Together Lectionary and Calendar

Course Description:
This program is designed for preachers, church leaders, students and anyone feeling the constraints of the RCL, COME IMAGINE A NEW WAY!   We will focus on  two facets of the church that are generally accepted uncritically as facts of life: the Revised Common Lectionary and the Church Calendar.  Over time Dan’s work led him to question the effectiveness of these mismatched realities more and more, until he envisioned a new principle for planning worship and for presenting our faith and our congregational life to the world.

Dan tells the story of frustration turned into liberation as he created what he came to call the Life Together Lectionary and Calendar, which he has used successfully in diverse settings.  Dan presents very practical advice on how to create your own customized lectionary and calendar to best serve the needs of your present congregation.  Participants will experience story-telling, discussion and hands-on work.

Who Should Take this Class?
All are welcome at LIFE! Students, pastors, laypersons and seekers from all denominations and walks of life are welcome to join the program to be enriched and inspired by LIFE. Join us!

Cost:  $100

About the Instructor:

Rev. Dan Borchers earned his MDiv from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 1987, where he studied with, and was shaped by, the former Seminex faculty.  Questioning norms and challenging authority were integral to his academic career, as was a deep passion for the Gospel in all its comfort and challenge.  For 23 years Dan pastored small, mid-sized and large congregations throughout the Midwest.  Since 2015 Dan has served as chaplain at Holy Family Memorial Hospital in Manitowoc, WI, working primarily in the cancer center.  Dan is board certified by the Association of Professional Chaplains.  His passion for preaching and worship leadership is now fed by an active schedule of pulpit supply in ELCA and UCC.

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