- 5 entrances
- Native Missouri prarie grasses
- Worship space doubles as labryinth
- Fire pit
- Paths lined with sweet herbs
- Paths lined with grass mat
- Benches
Welcome to Eden Grove. We have 5 entrances, one at each corner and 1 from the cathedral stairs. The Southeast corner greets us with Missouri native prairie grasses inspired by biblical stories and both northern entrances lead you to enjoy a walk through the moshy, wet Woodland but don’t worry the pathway should be dry! As we wind into the sanctuary area we are invited into the communal worship space. This space can be used for its own services or as an extension of chapel. This worship space doubles as a labyrinth so that we may wonder as we wander to the center of the Grove where we have a fire pit to symbolically mirror the fountain on the other outside of whirle chapell. The inner pathways that wind through the Grove will be lined with sustainable sweet herbs to engage our senses with signs allowing different displays depending on the current needs of the school. The paths will be lined with grassmat, or similar, to ensure that no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you can travel here.
2 inner pathways come to a bench where you may rest and think of what was, what is, and what lies ahead. Meditative spaces are a rising need in an increasingly anxious world. The sweet herbs will become normative as you take in the breeze and relax as the spirit transforms you in the Eden Grove.